2007年5月28日 星期一


Holistic Feedback Report
STUDENT01, on a scale of one to six, your response to this assignment was rated a 6. Your response was evaluated on the basis of how well it communicates its message considering important areas of writing including focus and meaning, content and development, organization, language use and style, and conventions and mechanics. A response that receives a score of six communicates its message very effectively. Typically, a response at this level clearly states the topic and purpose and maintains a single controlling point. The response is very cohesive and unified. A response at this level typically shows very effective development of ideas, with effective use of examples, evidence and/or supporting details. The response has a very effective organizational pattern. Ideas are well developed and clearly supported with details. The sentence structure is very effective, varied and free of errors. There is precision in usage and word choice as well as evidence of mastery of mechanical conventions such as spelling and punctuation. A more detailed analysis of your response is provided for each of the five important writing areas below. Writing Analysis Your response was also evaluated in terms of five important traits of writing, focus and meaning, content and development, organization, language use and style and mechanics and conventions. Each of the five areas was evaluated on a scale ranging from one to six.

Student Name

Prompt Name
Effects of Technology
Group Name
Composition I

Essay Submit Date
2007-05-28 20:27:22
6 6 6 5 6 6

Briefly, the extent to which a technology affects social systems has to do with basic patterns among social groups and the changing patterns of needs and need fulfillment resulting from technological change.

When the Industrial Revolution came about and particularly when the industrialization of America took place in the last century and first half of the present century, a number of social factors changed. Many of these changes impacted not only those directly involved in the process, but also those who chose not to be involved in the industrial boom.

The key is to determine how a technology will affect the opportunity and the probable form of social systems as it alters our day-today lives. As an evolving species, humans should expect change, and the changes in social structure that result from technological innovation will determine to a large degree the quality and kind of life available to us in the future.

2007年5月14日 星期一

alcpt 16R聽力

31. Bob goes to the club every friday night

32.The humidity is very high

33.This is not the right road

34. Some people like to argue all the time

35.The entire class is going on the tour

36.The students seem alittle bored with the lesson

alcpt 16R


1. You should study your lesson in advance. When should you study your lesson?
2. The trip was made over bumpy roads. What kind of road were they?
3. They’re going to Dallas by plane. How are they going to Dallas?
4. Claude ate some dessert at noon. What did he eat?
5. The pilot can land now. What can he do?
6. This student works independently of others. How does he work?
7. Arthur would like to have a hamburger rather than a hotdog. What does he prefer?
8. He has a spare room in his apartment. What does he have?
9. The customs are different here. What are different?
10. Arthur will be gone for an extended period of time. How long will he be gone?
11. Mr. Smith asked Joe: “Do you have a bank account?” What did Mr. Smith want to know?
12. There’s a large hole in the table cloth. What is the matter with the cloth?
13. What is a pharmacist?
14. The instructor talked to Nancy about her conduct. What did the instructor talk about?
15. The boss arrived at exactly three o’clock. When did he arrive?
16. Often while visiting another country, a person is not sure how to act when eating. What is meant by the expression “how to act” in this sentence?
17. Did you find out what caused his illness?
18. Mr. Maxwell said: “This wind feels just like a knife.” What kind of wind was it?
19. Maurice finished his studies at a quarter to eight. When did he finish his studies?
20. Highway accidents can be kept at a minimum if everyone follows safety rules. How can we minimize accidents?
21. Did anyone of your friends call on you?
22. The weatherman said it might rain tomorrow. What is the weather going to be like tomorrow?
23. Peter quitted working after sunset. When did he stop?
24. The driver reached his destination with very little gasoline in the tank. How did he arrive in his destination?
25. Richard spends an hour each day in physical training. What does he do?
26. Gerald kept working on the problem until he solved it.
27. The judge is very concerned about traffic accidents.
28. Blend’s home is air-conditioned.
29. We have been here just ten minutes.
30. When you go by air, you depend on the pilot to take you to your destination safely.
31. Bob goes to the club every Friday night.
32. The humidity is very high.
33. This is not the right road.
34. Some people like to argue all the time.
35. The entire class is going on the tour.
36. The students seem a little bored with the lesson today.
37. Some students have trouble communicating.
38. The motor sometimes gets overheated.
39. This pencil is like that one.
40. I have a date this afternoon.
41. Henry said: “I will write twice a week on my trip.”
42. The small fishing boat was anchored beside the big steamship.
43. The patrol may encounter the enemy by tomorrow morning.
44. The students are going to miss their train.
45. Ralph needs to visit a dentist for treatment of his tooth.
46. I don’t know about his problem, but I can guess what it is about.
47. You must make your students study.
48. This metal can be bent easily into any shape.
49. He had a chance to see a good movie while he was in town.
50. The rock crashed through the window.
51. W: Did you see that ring around the moon last night? M: Yes, it was strange, wasn’t it? Q: What did they see last night?
52. M: I hear your son is in the army. What is he now? W: A sergeant. Q: What rank is her son?
53. M: Were the students on time for the examination? W: No, they were not. Q: What did the woman say about the students?
54. W: Will you try to do this? M: I will if you’ll give me a hand. Q: How will the man try to do it?
55. W: Where are you going, Bob? M: I’m going to have this suit pressed. Q: Where will the man have to go?
56. W: Do you enjoy fishing? M: Yes, it’s my favorite sport. Q: What do we know from the conversation?
57. M: Where is the table you want repair? W: Follow me to the back of the house. Q: What did the woman say?
58. W: What’s the matter with Frank? M: He has hardly any money. Q: What did the man say about Frank?
59. W: Do you need anything from the store? M: Yes, pick up a package of cigarette for me. Q: What did the man say?
60. M: Do you know anything about Ronny? W: WeIl, I do know that he minds his father. Q: What did the woman say about Ronny?